FAQs about Vital Wordplay
Coaching and Editing Services
What is a book coach?
A professional who works with you over time on content development, writing approaches, and other aspects of book development. As a certified book coach who has trained on nonfiction and of fiction, including separate training on memoir, I also benefit from experience developing all levels of content for publishers and independent authors. I help writers hone their core message and content elements in advance of writing, which makes that process more efficient, as well as guiding the development of book proposals, and reviewing and helping polish completed manuscripts and proposals. I also teach current nonfiction clients how to find agents and pitch a book for traditional publishing. Learn more about my approach and services here.
Do coaches differ from editors?
The skills overlap, particularly when a certified book coach has trained as an editor of aspects such as structure, and so can suggest ways to rearrange content, as I have. But a trained coach is there more as a guide to help you define what you want to do with the narrative and decisions on pacing, emotional connection with readers and more, and for ongoing feedback on what's working on the page so that you sharpen your own eye. A traditional editor is more likely to fix things for you, though many provide guidance on some choices. Regardless, many professionals have not trained in editing for voice and style as I have, or are a certified copy editor for helping to analyze sentences for grammar, punctuation, etc.
What is your coaching style?
Every writer has areas needing attention in book development, given the complexity of getting ideas on the page in a compelling way. I am a high-touch professional for those wanting to nail bigger concepts, including which book idea to focus on first, and to polish, and publish or pitch, drafted content. I help you decide how to develop your work based on the level of input needed at the moment, and your overall goal. That involves using big picture know-how to help you discern the most important elements to focus on early on, and then guiding refinement of the completed manuscript or book proposal. I will also champion you on your professional path, and provide industry insights to meet traditional publishing house standards, which benefit all authors.
Will content still sound like me?
Yes! My job is to help your voice shine through. I discuss your responses to content feedback as a coach or ghost, and in editing, provide a summary of the broad factors addressed while offering suggested word changes. That is, as a thorough coach and editor, I seek to guide you on content clarity and such to appeal to readers and to help the content reflect your intelligence and personality. But feedback and edits are yours to accept, or not. Ultimately, my goal is to help express your truth clearly while putting your best foot forward.